Congratulations to the HFMS 8th Grade team that won Grand Champion at the Are You Smarter Than An 8th Grader-WV Edition at WV Fest 2022 in Charles Town today! We are so very proud of you!
over 2 years ago, HFMS
Jefferson County Schools extends a sincere thank you to the emergency responders who supported JCS staff at Harpers Ferry Middle School Monday night. Emergency personnel responded to a fire alarm triggered by a burst water line to the fire suppression system that caused a ceiling in a single classroom to collapse. Thankfully the damage was not as extensive as initially reported, and no one was in the building when the incident occurred around 8:30 p.m. The quick action of JCS staff and our partners with local volunteer fire departments minimized the potential damage.
over 2 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
Boys Basketball Practices: June 13, 14: at HFMS 5-6:30pm June 15: at CTMS 7-9pm June 20, 21, 22: at HFMS 5-6:30pm
over 2 years ago, HFMS
There will be Free Sports Physicals on June 24th from 1:30 to 3:30pm at Harpers Ferry Family Medicine. Families will need to park at Harpers Ferry Middle School and take a shuttle to the clinic. Please visit the following link for more information.
almost 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
8th Grade Parents: Hershey Park tickets have been reissued. Please stop by between 1-6pm today, June 9th, to collect tickets. Tickets will only be given to those that have paid. No additional tickets will be given. Receipts will be verified with the secretaries.
almost 3 years ago, Erin Maranda
Students needing to pick up items from their lockers OR lost and found items may come to the school this Thursday, June 9th, from 1-6pm in the front lobby. Locker items have been bagged and labeled with student names. Any items remaining will be disposed of or donated.
almost 3 years ago, HFMS
Rising 9th Grade Schedule Distribution: Thursday, June 2nd JHS: 8am-12pm in front of JHS WHS: 8am-12pm in the entryway
almost 3 years ago, Brian Bauer
Football sign ups will take place on July 25th from 4-6pm in the HFMS gym. All paperwork will be handed out at this time.
almost 3 years ago, HFMS
Jefferson County School stands in solidarity with the families, children, educators, and communities in Uvalde, Texas, in the wake of the tragic events of May 24th, 2022. There are no words that can restore what has been taken, not only from those individuals but from all of us. Everyone at Jefferson Schools is here for the community as we support our children together. You can find a list of resources on speaking to children about this difficult topic following this link: We will also have counseling staff available for any of our students or staff who need that support. Please join us as we continue our end-of-year student celebrations and honors while remaining mindful of the impacted communities and our solemn responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of our children.
almost 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
JCS Logo
Our 8th Grade Award Ceremony will be held on this Thursday at 1:00pm. Due to the large number of 8th grade students attending, we will be offering a zoom webinar for parents to view in lieu of in person attendance. Please click the link below to join the webinar: Passcode: HFMS8
almost 3 years ago, HFMS
HFMS will be sponsoring a senior walk at HFMS on Wednesday, May 25, from 3:15 - 3:45. Open to all 2022 graduates who attended HFMS.
almost 3 years ago, Harpers Ferry Middle School
WHS’s Rising 9th Grade Schedule Distribution: Thursday, June 2nd from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. in the entryway at WHS.
almost 3 years ago, Harpers Ferry Middle School
I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice Cream! Scoop Dawg Ice Cream truck will be visiting our students next Tuesday. Any student wanting to purchase ice cream during their lunch that day will need to prepay during morning arrival. Cost is $2.50, due by May 18th.
almost 3 years ago, HFMS
Students are testing this week and next. All students MUST have wired headphones, a FULLY charged chromebook, and an AR book for testing.
almost 3 years ago, Erin Maranda
Our 8th Grade Recognition Ceremony will be held at 1:00 on the afternoon of Thursday, May 26. To be able to accomodate everyone, this will be a livestream event for all parents, family, and friends. A link will be posted and sent out closer to the date.
almost 3 years ago, Harpers Ferry Middle School
This week is teacher appreciation week! Let's show our teachers how much we love and appreciate them with notes of kindness. We would like to create a slide show for our teachers with short videos or pictures of your kiddos saying thank you. Please send these to no later than May 5th.
almost 3 years ago, Erin Maranda
Thanks to the Office of West Virginia State Treasurer Riley Moore for helping JCS middle school students Get a Life! Throughout the week, eighth-graders participated in the interactive, award-winning program to learn about financial literacy while having a little fun along the way. Students developed a family budget, managed an expense ledger, and took part in real-life simulations with the help of community volunteers. Visit to learn more!
almost 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
Get a Life 1
Get a Life 2
Get a Life 3
Get a Life 4
Harpers Ferry Middle: Track meet scheduled for today is cancelled. No practice.
almost 3 years ago, HFMS
Congrats to Santiago Smith on his win at the Regional Math Field Day competition on March 14! He will now advance to the state competition at WVU on April 23. Way to go, Santiago!
almost 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
RMFD - 7th Grade HFMS
A NOTE TO OUR MIDDLE SCHOOL FAMILIES: Due to the inclement weather forecasted for this weekend, the Regional Social Studies Fair has been postponed until next Saturday, March 19. The location and time will remain the same.
almost 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools