Spring Picture day at HFMS will take place on March 20th, 2025. Pictures must be purchased in advance through LifeTouch by using the Picture Day ID of EVTJ4XHQF or with a completed flyer with payment on picture day.

HFMS Families: Please use the following link to access our March Newsletter https://secure.smore.com/n/543re

JCS Families: All JCS schools will be closed tomorrow, Monday, March 7th as staff participate in professional learning.

HFMS Families: The main phone number is working properly again. Thank you.

HFMS Families: 3/6/25. Harpers Ferry Middle School is experiencing issues with the main phone line. Please dial 304-702-1328 if you need to reach the front office. Thank you.

Students in Mr. Coleman's 8th Grade ELA classes completed a Question Trail on figurative language in poetry. Students analyzed the poems for the figurative language, matched that to the answer choice, and followed the directions to the next choice.

Students in Ms. Kittelstad's 6th Grade ELA classes completed a gallery walk on the Greek gods and goddesses a an introductory activity for their new unit: The Greeks.

JCS Families: There are several bus scheduling adjustments this morning. Please review the JCS Bus Status Tracker for updated information. https://www.jcswv.org/page/bus-tracker

Track Practice will begin on March 3rd and will take place from 3:00-4:30pm each day. Students wishing to participate must have a completed sports physical on file and bring water/running shoes each day. Please reach out with any questions.

HFMS Families: Reminder, tomorrow is the Harpers Ferry Hearts Dance! The dance is from 3:00 to 4:45 pm. Cost is $10. Everyone must have a ride by 4:45 pm. Dance sponsored by Student Council.

JCS Community: All activities and events are canceled for Wednesday, February 12, 2025, due to road conditions.

JCS Community: All Jefferson County Schools (Pre-K - 12) are closed on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, due to road conditions. Many roads in Jefferson County are covered in snow, with precipitation expected to continue through the evening and temperatures remaining below freezing. Students and staff will operate on a Non-Traditional Instruction Day schedule; this is the final NTID day.
JCS offices will open at 10 am; essential personnel should contact their supervisor for scheduling.

HFMS Families: Due to potential weather concerns, the Parent/Teacher Conference originally scheduled for tonight has been postponed until next Tuesday (2/18/25) from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. We hope to see you then!!

JCS Community: JCS will operate on a 3-hour early dismissal on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, due to weather. This allows our students to be in school with their teachers, eat breakfast and lunch, and be home before any unsafe road conditions.
All afternoon and evening activities are canceled. AlphaBEST after-school care and Boys and Girls Club transportation will not run today.

JCS Community: Check out the JCS Winter Weather and Calendar Update for important information. https://jcs.edurooms.com/engage/jefferson-county-schools/newsletters/winter-weather

HFMS Families: Scheduling season has started. Please use the following form to complete your student's schedule requests for next school year: https://secure.smore.com/n/5tzj0

HFMS Families: Scheduling for next school year has begun. Please click on our newsletter to access scheduling forms:

JCS Community: Jefferson County Schools are open and operating on a 2-hour delay on Thursday, February 6, 2025.

JCS Community: Jefferson County Schools (Pre-K - 12) and offices will operate on a 2-hour delay on Thursday, February 6, 2025, due to the weather forecast. JCS will continue to monitor and evaluate conditions throughout the evening and morning and communicate any change by 7am to families.

HFMS Families: Reminder that privately transported students must be dropped off and picked up in the parent loop. The parent loop is located between the school and the public library on Polk Street. Thank you for helping ensure that all students are safe during drop-off and pick-up.