What an active and engaging day of professional learning! Elementary art teachers participated in hands-on activities today as they continue to grow as professional educators. It was just one of several district-wide training opportunities JCS was proud to offer staff on this professional learning day as they continue to perfect their skills in our schools and classrooms. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to student success!
10 months ago, Jefferson County Schools
Art teachers working on an art project
Art teachers working on an art project
Artwork spread across a table
HFMS Families: Spring Picture Day is going to take place on March 22. You can pre-order on mylifetouch.com using code EVT3KFVHV Please see the attached flyer for more information.
10 months ago, HFMS
Spring Picture Day
As a reminder, there is no school for students tomorrow, Friday, March 8, 2024. This is a professional development day for staff.
10 months ago, Jefferson County Schools
7th Grade students in classes taught by Ms. Viands learned about two dimensional figures that result from slicing three dimensional figures through stations using Legos, VR, and computers.
11 months ago, Harpers Ferry Middle School
student using VR
student using VR
student using VR
student using VR
student using Legos
student using VR
student using VR
student using VR
FFA Donut Fundraiser pickup is today from 3-6pm in the shop. Parents/Guardians must pick up orders and distribute to recipients. Please pull around to the back shop door for pick up.
11 months ago, Erin Maranda
Congratulations to the History Bowl Teams who competed in the Regional History Bowl. They placed 4th and 5th. Students have studied all school year to prepare for this event. Members of the team are Charli Arrington, Brooklyn Busch, Emily Gorham, Macy McCabe, Carys Schiffer, Lennon Schiffer, Sophia Slimp, and Alaina Williams. The team is led by Ms. Whitacre, 7th Grade Ancient Civilizations teacher.
11 months ago, Harpers Ferry Middle School
HFMS vs CTMS Match
HFMS vs CTMS Match
HFMS vs CTMS Match
HFMS vs CTMS Match
Students in Ms. Greule's 8th Grade ELA classes made posters using details from the reading passages from Frederick Douglass's autobiography to create an advertisement promoting reading and writing. Students selected the portion of text they thought was most powerful or important, and paired it with an image.
11 months ago, Harpers Ferry Middle School
Student Poster
Student Poster
Student Poster
Student Poster
HFMS Families: It is time to select your student's classes for the 2024-2025 school year. Please go to the Harpers Ferry Middle School website and click on the quick link titled "Scheduling Form." Be sure to select the student's grade for 2024-2025. We do request that schedule requests are entered no later than March 15th. Questions? Reach out via phone to Mrs. Maranda at 304-535-3221 You can also access the scheduling forms directly here: https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/2052/HFMS/4030216/Year_Of_The_Tiger_Flyer_.pdf
11 months ago, HFMS
For FFA week, Ms. Harris had a guest speaker visit her Agriculture students. Hannah Goode, the Vice President of the WV FFA Northeastern Region, had the students solve a question with limited communication abilities.
11 months ago, Harpers Ferry Middle School
students completing an activity
students completing an activity
students completing an activity
students completing an activity
students completing an activity
students completing an activity
students completing an activity
Shepherd University invites high school students and their families (including rising freshmen!) to one of two upcoming dual enrollment information nights on February 22 and March 12. Students will learn how they can simultaneously receive high school and college credits while getting a head start on their college education! Register to attend at https://www.shepherd.edu/admissions/dualenrollment.
11 months ago, Jefferson County Schools
Dual enrollment graphic
Don't forget! ⏰ Submissions for the JCS Black History Month art competition are due next Friday, February 23! Students are invited to celebrate notable figures throughout Black history with original artwork that highlights strength and resilience, explores creativity, and inspires others. Winners will showcase their creations at a community-wide Black History Month celebration on March 2 in Shepherdstown. Visit www.jcswv.org/bhm-art to learn more!
11 months ago, Jefferson County Schools
Honoring the Greats with the Arts graphic
Due to the forecasted inclement weather, all Jefferson County Schools extracurricular activities taking place on Saturday, February 17, 2024, are canceled. This includes extracurricular activities, athletic practices, and competitions taking place at home or away. The  Regional Wrestling Tournament at Jefferson High School is rescheduled for 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 18. All other rescheduled activities will be communicated at a later date.
11 months ago, Jefferson County Schools
Winter Weather Alert graphic
⏰ A reminder that all Jefferson County schools will dismiss two hours early today, Friday, February 16, for faculty senate meetings.
11 months ago, Jefferson County Schools
reminder graphic
Congratulations to aspiring scientists Keagan Bauer and Millie Stone on their winning projects at this year's regional Science and Engineering Fair! Visit https://jcswv.org/regionalsciencefair for a complete list of winners and their projects.
11 months ago, Harpers Ferry Middle School
Keagan Bauer
Millie Stone
Jefferson County Schools joins the Wildwood Middle School community in mourning the passing of Principal Jodi R. Brock, a dedicated and valued member of the WMS staff since 2008. WMS will honor Ms. Brock's memory with a candlelight vigil on Thursday, February 15, at 6:30 p.m. in the front bus loop of the school. If you plan to attend, please enter at the WMS parent entrance and park in the side or back parking lots. If those lots become full, overflow traffic may park at Jefferson High School.
11 months ago, Jefferson County Schools
"In memory of" ohoto of Jodi Brock with WMS logo
Due to the JCS snow day today February 13th, Washington High School is unable to host the HFMS Parent Night for rising 9th graders who will be attending WHS next school year. They are inviting you to attend the CTMS Parent Night NEXT WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 21 FROM 6-7 P.M. in the WHS Auditorium. If you have any questions, please reach out to Jennifer Stuntz, WHS Counseling Department Chair at jennifer.stuntz@k12.wv.us.
11 months ago, Harpers Ferry Middle School
Congratulations to our 2024 West Virginia American Choral Directors All-State Choir Conference attendees! From left to right, they include Lennon Schiffer, Brooklyn Glover, Carys Schiffer, and Lexi Jenkins. To learn more about this prestigious choral event, visit http://rb.gy/phrp2b.
11 months ago, Harpers Ferry Middle School
Group of All-State Honor Choir attendees
2/7/24: Phone service has been restored as of 12:50 p.m. Thank you for your patience.
11 months ago, Jefferson County Schools
2/7/2024:Harpers Ferry Middle School is experiencing issues with the main phone line. Please dial 304-702-1328 if you need to reach the front office. Thank you.
11 months ago, Harpers Ferry Middle School
7th Grade students as part of their Ancient Greek Unit in Social Studies learned about and designed Hoplite shields. They then marched and learned military cadences.
11 months ago, Harpers Ferry Middle School
Hoplite Shield
Hoplite Shield
Hoplite Shield
Hoplite Shield